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Adding Filter TextBox to a ComboBox using MVVM in WPF

What I am trying to do is create a ComboBox where at the top there is a textbox that I can type into to filter the items within the ComboBox. Here is a an example of what I mean:


I need to do this using an MVVM approach. I am not sure how to go about this or how to overwrite the style to do so. I have looked on google for several solutions but none of them are quite exactly what I need. I am pretty sure once I have the style created I can figure out the filtering portion within my view model.

Any help would be appreciated.

ComboBox控件使用IsTextSearchEnabled ,如下所示:

<ComboBox IsTextSearchEnabled="True" IsTextSearchCaseSensitive="True or False depending on your scenario" />

In my projects, when I do something like this, I add a TextBox as the first item in the dropdown content template, with a presenter following it of the items that need to be data-bound.

        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=FilteredText"} Mode="TwoWay"/>
        <ListBox ItemSource="{Binding Path=ItemsForBinding}" Mode="TwoWay" NotifyOnSourceUpdated="True" />

And in your view-model, make sure that NotifyOnProperyChanged is enabled for the FilteredText property when it is updated, it will trigger the "removal" of the bound-items, I usually use ObservableCollection, but I know ListCollectionView has capabilities to filter and notifies the UI when the collection changes. You can even find a 3rd party text AutoCompleteBox ( I use Telerik,) and it would allow you to prepopulate the terms in the "textbox" that you want the user to be able to filter.

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