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REACTJS pass a variable into props

galleryItems = () => {
    console.log("brands", this.state.brands)

    var obj = []

    var filteredData = this.state.brands.forEach((item) => {
        var lol = item.media.filter((item2) => item2.collection_name === "images")
        obj = [...obj, ...lol]

    console.log("obj", obj)

    return obj.map((image, i) => (
        <div key={i}  className="card-img-top"><img src={image.url} onClick={this.props.carouselBrand()}/></div>

I have filtered out this.state.brands 在此处输入图片说明

as you can see, it has media. I have filtered it and mapped all the media that has a collection_name === "images"


and on this line of code: <div key={i} className="card-img-top"><img src={image.url} onClick={this.props.carouselBrand()}/></div> I want to pass the slug value of that image in the onClick function. But I don't know how because I have already filtered it. How can I get the slug of the brand?

decorate the objects you compose.

var filteredData = this.state.brands.forEach(({media, slug}) => {
  const lol = media.filter(item2 => item2.collection_name === "images").map(image => ({ slug, ...image }));
  obj.push.apply(obj, lol);
console.log("obj", obj)

return obj.map((image, i) => (
    <div key={i}  className="card-img-top"><img src={image.url} onClick={() => this.props.carouselBrand(image.slug)}/></div>

You could either append slug to your new array, or keep a copy of the initial object with filtered media .

const obj = [].concat(...this.state.brands.map(item =>
               item.media.map(item2 => ({ slug: item.slug, ...item2 }) )
                  .filter(item2 => item2.collection_name === 'images'));

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