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Excel conditional format-Text into column based on another cell value

I am trying to find a specific conditional formatting formula. I want specific cells within a column to automatically fill with a specific text based on what cell value I type into an adjacent cell. What formula would be best to use?

The attached image should help to explain. I want the column (LITH) to populate with any of the text choices in the column (LITHTYPES), based on the criteria of typing in (CODE) numbers -1 to 5 in column (LITH_CODE)


I agree with @cybernetic.nomad. I think you are looking for a vlookup or a combination index + match . Conditional formatting is used for changing colour of cell/text based on criterias. The formula you are looking for (enter it in Cell F2 and drag down) is (notice I use " ; " as delimiter instead of " , ":


The formula is explained by the following parts: IF(if a cell in column LITH_CODE is empty; if it's empty then show nothing; do lookup )

The do lookup part contains of: INDEX(return value from LITHTYPES ; MATCH(lookup value from LITH_CODE column ; look for the value from LITH_CODE in the column "M" CODES; give only exact match))

I think the picture below gives a good view:


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