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react-native link - Maximum call stack size exceeded

Following the Documentation of rnfirebase.io Having this error when try to link the installed package.

react-native link react-native-firebase

Scanning folders for symlinks in /PROJ-DIR/node_modules (45ms) rnpm-install ERR! Something went wrong while linking. Error: Maximum call stack size exceeded

There was already an issue raised against this here but solutions are based on a problem with Xcode. I'm not working for ios yet. A solution regarding android is not working too.

Can anyone help me with this?

Try removing your android and ios folders and use following commands:

1. react-native eject to recreate android and ios folders.

2. react-native upgrade Be careful while running this command because it will replace your configuration files.

3.Finally react-native link

Many a times i too get this error and I follow these steps to overcome. Take a look at this link

Make sure is there any unwanted changes are done in ios's project file. if yes then revert back as it is.

I faced this error after merging two branch and i have accepted both changes and got error and fixed it by proper merging

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