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Notice (8): Undefined offset: 2 [APP/View/Helper/CounterHelper.php

I am novice in cakephp and I use version 2.8, I would like to add a counter of visit on my homepage, nevertheless I obtain the following errors:

Notice (8): Undefined offset: 2 [APP/View/Helper/CounterHelper.php, line 157]
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 2 [APP/View/Helper/CounterHelper.php, line 186]

I put you the code end concerned:

 //Start get detail
        foreach ( $data as $value ){
            $temp = explode ("/", $value['Counter']['date_visit']);
            if ( $temp[0] == $this->Time['mday'] && $temp[1] == $this->Time['mon'] ){
                //Get user online
                if ( $newTime - $value['Counter']['time'] < $this->TimeOut )

  line 157 ====>  if ( $this->Time['year'] == $temp[2] ){

                //Get today static
                if ( $this_date == $temp[0] )

                //Get this month static
                if ( $this_month == $temp['1'] )


        //For previous

        $prev_date = $this->Time['mday'] - 1;
        $prev_mon = $this->Time['mon'] - 1;

        if ( $prev_date < 1){
            $prev_date = 30;
            $prev_mon -= 1;

        if ( $prev_mon < 1)
            $prev_mon = 12;

        foreach ($data as $value){
            $temp = explode ("/", $value['Counter']['date_visit']);

  line 186  ====>  if ( $this->Time['year'] == $temp[2] ){
                if ( $prev_date == $temp[0] )
                if ( $prev_mon == $temp['1'] )

Thank you in advance for your answer.

ps: the lines concerned are: line 157 and line 186


if (is_array($temp))

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