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After jQuery Ajax invocation call , the application Fails to navigate to the ASP.NET MVC view that I want to show

I'm using jquery DataTables to show some tabular data, and I also placed an edit link for each row in said jquery DataTables so that the user can edit data associated with a particular row if needed. ( Also, I have No clue how to use ASP.NET MVC Html helpers within jQuery DataTables so that is why I am using the html link in the following code )

jquery DataTable javascript:

            "processing": true,
            "serverSide": false,
            "destroy": shouldDestroy,
            "ajax": {
                "url": "../Admin/LoadResultCodes",
                "type": "GET",
                "datatype": "json",
                "data": function (data) {

                    data.actionCodeIDArg = actionCodeIDInQuestion;



            columnDefs: [
                  targets: 1,
                  searchable: false,
                  orderable: false,
                  name: "EditResultCodeInQuestionReasonForArrears",
                  "data": "ID",
                  render: function (data, type, full, meta) {
                      if (type === 'display') {

                          data = '<a class="editResultCodeInQuestionReasonForArrears"  href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="' + full.ID + '">Edit RFAs</a>'

                      return data;

Clicking on the aforementioned link will ensure that the point of execution reaches the following jQuery Event Handler method:

jQuery Event handler method/ function Javascript

$('#resultCodeTable').on('click', '.editResultCodeInQuestionReasonForArrears', function () {


The jQuery Ajax call successfully invokes the C# Controller's action because I see the Visual Studio's Debugger's point of execution reach said Controller's action, however, it fail to navigate to the view that I want to show.

jquery / javascript:

function navigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList(resultCodeTable_ID) {
         url: '../Admin/NavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList',
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
        data: "{'" + "resultCodeTable_IDArg':'" + resultCodeTable_ID + "'}",
        cache: false,
    }).done(function (response, status, jqxhr) {

.fail(function (jqxhr, status, error) {
    // this is the ""error"" callback


C#: ( in my AdminController.cs )

public ActionResult NavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList(int resultCodeTable_IDArg)

            AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel = new AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel();
            aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel.ResultCodeTable_ID = resultCodeTable_IDArg;
           return View("~/Areas/Admin/Views/Admin/AdminModules/Auxiliaries/AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList.cshtml", aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel);


Razor / Html: (In my \\Areas\\Admin\\Views\\Admin\\AdminModules\\Auxiliaries\\AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList.cshtml view )

@model Trilogy.Areas.Admin.ViewModels.Auxiliaries.AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel

        ViewBag.Title = "AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList";


Could someone please tell me how I can change the code so that the view shows up after the jquery Ajax invocation?


You call the controller via AJAX, and sure it hits the controller action method, and the controller returns a view but this is your code that deals with whatever is returned from the AJAX call (from the controller):

.done(function (response, status, jqxhr) {})

You are doing absolutely nothing, so why would it navigate anywhere.

A better question you need to ask yourself, instead of fixing this, is why would you use AJAX and then navigate to another page. If you are navigating to a whole new page, new URL, then simply submit a form regularly (without AJAX) or do it via a link (which the user will click). Use AJAX post if you want to stay on the same page and refresh the page's contents.

@yas-ikeda , @codingyoshi , @code-first Thank you for your suggestions.

Here are the modifications that I had to make to resolve the problem(please feel free to suggest improvements):

Basically, I had to end up creating 2 separate Action methods to resolve the problem. In the jquery/Javascript code below, it is important to note the first action method '../Admin/RedirectToNavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList'

function navigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList(resultCodeTable_ID) {

        url: '../Admin/RedirectToNavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList',
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8",
        data: "{'" + "resultCodeTable_IDArg':'" + resultCodeTable_ID + "'}",
        cache: false,
    }).done(function (response, status, jqxhr) {
        window.location.href = response.Url;

    .fail(function (jqxhr, status, error) {
        // this is the ""error"" callback


The purpose of the 1st action method called '../Admin/RedirectToNavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList' is to retrieve a url within a Json object.

    public ActionResult RedirectToNavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList(int resultCodeTable_IDArg)
        var redirectUrl = new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext).Action("NavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList", "Admin", new { resultCodeTable_IDArg = resultCodeTable_IDArg });
        return Json(new { Url = redirectUrl });

The purpose of the 2nd action method is to ultimately navigate to the ASP.NET MVC View that I want to show.

    public ActionResult NavigateToAParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList(int resultCodeTable_IDArg)

        AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel = new AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel();
        aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel.ResultCodeTable_ID = resultCodeTable_IDArg;
        aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel.RFACodeList = actionCodeResultCodeBusinessService.GetSpecificResultCodeRFACodeList(resultCodeTable_IDArg);

       return View("~/Areas/Admin/Views/Admin/AdminModules/Auxiliaries/AParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsList.cshtml", aParticularResultCodeAssociatedReasonForArrearsListViewModel);


However, I Dislike the fact that I have to use 2 action methods to navigate to the desired asp.net mvc view, therefore, please feel free to suggest improvements or even a totally different better solution.

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