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Sonata Media Bundle - How to get Image or Gallery by Id

Is it possible to get an image or gallery from Sonata Media Bundle by Id?

I know how to get an image or gallery which is related to an entity. But in this case I just want to get an image or gallery without an entity.

Something like:

$media = $mediaProvider->getMediaById(12);


$gallery = $mediaProvider->getGalleryById(2);

Does anyone know how to do this?

I found a solution!

In the controller get the gallery:

$galleryId = 3;
$repo = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('ApplicationSonataMediaBundle:Gallery');
$gallery = $repo->find($galleryId);
$gallery = $gallery->getGalleryHasMedias();

And in the twig template:

{% for img in gallery %}
    {% media img.media, 'gallery' %}
{% endfor %}

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