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Ext.NET: How to render a partial view in a loader

I'm trying to load a partial view when a row is expanded in my grid. My listener looks like this:

    .Listeners(ls =>
        ls.Expand.Handler = string.Format("Item.onListRowExpand('{0}', {1}, this);",
            Url.Action("ItemDetail", "My"), Model);

This calls into a JavaScript function:

onListRowExpand: function(url, listId, expander) {
    var container = App.DashboardPanel;
    var itemId = expander.componentsCache[0].cmp.record.data.Id;
    var panelId = "Details_" + listId + "_" + itemId;

    // Check if the selected panel was selected again. If it was do nothing
    var panel = container.getComponent(panelId);
    if (!panel) {

        // Remove the opened panel so we can add a new one
        if (container.items.getCount() > 1) {

        // Add the new panel...
            id: panelId,
            closeable: true,
            loader: {
                xtype: "panel",
                url: url,
                renderer: "frame",
                params: {
                    "listId": listId,
                    "itemId": itemId                   }


This method then calls into a controller:

public Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult ItemDetail(int listId, int itemId)
    var result = new Ext.Net.MVC.PartialViewResult
        RenderMode = RenderMode.AddTo,
        ContainerId = "MyPanel",
        WrapByScriptTag = false,
        Model = new ItemViewModel
            ListId = listId,
            ItemId = itemId

    return result;

which is supposed to return a partial view to be added onto the container's Items :

        .Url(Url.Action("ViewList", "My"))
        .Params(new { listId = Model.ListId })))

The view looks like this:

@model ItemViewModel
    var x = Html.X();

   .LayoutConfig(new HBoxLayoutConfig {Align = HBoxAlign.StretchMax})

My issue is that I cannot seem to get the partial view to render. It comes back as either a white box if I set WrapByScriptTag to true - in which case I get an error stating "Uncaught ReferenceError: Ext is not defined") or I get the component's JavaScript as text if I set WrapByScriptTag to false. I know I'm missing a setting somewhere but I'm not sure what's wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

The solution for me was to change my controller to use RenderMode.Config and to change the renderer option on the loader from "frame" to "component" . The difference, as I understand it, is that the frame option tells Ext.JS to expect an IFrame (ie fully-formed HTML) whereas the component option is used to described Ext components. That was half the problem. The other half was that I was trying to render the component so it would be added into another container's Items field but the request originated from a call to add so this was unnecessary. Rather, rendering the component as a config made more sense because it was a partial view.

Note that this works in Ext.NET 4.2.0 but not Ext.NET 4.1.0. In that case choosing renderer: "script" fixed the problem.

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