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Javascript Unterminated string literal error

I wonder whether someone could help me please.

I've been working through help I received here: Dynamic Table and Dataset in Scheduled BigQuery Job

I've tried running the code, and I think there is an inherent problem, because when I run the code (below) I receive an error on this line:

 "query": "SELECT

The error is "Unterminated string literal"

    function runQuery() {

          var yesterday = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "dd-MM-yyyy'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");

          var configuration = {
          "query": {
            "useQueryCache": false,
            "destinationTable": {
                  "projectId": "project_name_obfuscated",
                  "datasetId": "project_114151_shared",
                  "tableId": "test123"
            "writeDisposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE",
            "createDisposition": "CREATE_IF_NEEDED",
            "allowLargeResults": true,
            "query": "SELECT * 
FROM (SELECT hits.page.pagePath
REGEXP_MATCH( hits.page.pagePath, r'\?email=.*@.*\.*')),
hits.eventInfo.eventAction = 'end-client,role,decision')"

    var job = {
        "configuration": configuration

    var jobResult = BigQuery.Jobs.insert(job, "project_name_obfuscated");

    var jobId = jobResult.jobReference.jobId;

    // The job might not actually be done; wait until it is marked
    // complete.
    var sleepTimeMs = 500;
    while (true) {
        sleepTimeMs *= 2;
        queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.getQueryResults(projectId, jobId, {
          "maxResults": 10000);
        if (!queryResults.jobComplete) {

I've been through various tutorials and tried adding the ' + solution so the line becomes "query": ' SELECT +

But I still can't get the script to run.

Could someone possible point out where I've gone wrong?

Many thanks and kind regards!!

As the user TheMaster pointed out in his comment, the error comes from a badly formatted multiline string:

Well Then it's multiline. " is not terminated on line 1. Join them using \\ or + developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… Apps script isn't ES2015. So you can't use ``

So the code should look close to this:

"query": "SELECT * " +
"FROM (SELECT hits.page.pagePath " +
"FROM " +
"[project:dataset.ga_sessions_20181015] " +
"WHERE " +
"REGEXP_MATCH( hits.page.pagePath, r'\?email=.*@.*\.*')), " +
"(SELECT " +
"hits.eventInfo.eventLabel "+
"FROM " +
"[project:dataset.ga_sessions_20181015] " +
"WHERE " +
" hits.eventInfo.eventAction = 'end-client,role,decision')"

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