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Moment.js resolve timezone offset

I'm working in an Angular 6 front end and receive from another system time stamps which have no time zones (C# backend, DateTime). I suspect that javascript is automatically adding the local time zone to Date objects.


Receiving from backend: 2018-10-15T07:53:00.000Z

When console logging: console.log(timestamp) // Mon Oct 15 2018 09:53:00 GMT+0200

I am using moment.js and already tried moment.utc() and moment(DATE).utc() . But it still adds the local time zone especially because I have to re-transform my moment objects back to the type Date with .toDate() .

How can I resolve the time zone difference and get back a utc date to work with or the same structure as received?

try to format use as per desired.

 let str = '2018-10-15T07:53:00.000Z'; let moment = moment(str).utcOffset(str) console.log(moment.format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm')) 
 <script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.js"></script> 

Second Snippet (to use the date object from string)

 let str = '2018-10-15T07:53:00.000Z'; let moment = moment(str).utcOffset(str); console.log(moment.toDate()) 
 <script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.js"></script> 

Your input is UTC and will be parsed just fine. Javascript Dates have no notion of timezone! The local timezone is applied by the static methods for serializing ( Date.toString() , Date.toDateString() etc.) (Console.log(Date) uses Date.toString() .)

Use Date.toLocaleString([],{timeZone:"UTC"}) . Forcing UTC, you will see in the output the same time as the input. Much more details are here :-)

Here it is working:

 console.log(new Date('2018-10-15T07:53:00.000Z').toLocaleString([],{timeZone:'UTC'})) 

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