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How can I add Wordpress php code into JavaScript

I have the following javascript code:

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(this).scrollTop() > 50)  /*height in pixels when the navbar becomes non opaque*/ 
        $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src','assets/images/logo.png'); //change src
    } else {
        $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src','assets/images/logo__footer.png')


Is it possible to insert a wp custom php code

<?php the_custom_logo(); ?>

Instead of this static attribute


Many thanks in advance.

You need to set variable in template:

    var logoImage = <?php the_custom_logo(); ?>;
    var logoImageFooter = <?php the_custom_logo()?> //here footer logo

and than, in your js file use it

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(this).scrollTop() > 50)  /*height in pixels when the navbar becomes non opaque*/ 
        $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src',logoImage); //change src
    } else {
        $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src',logoImageFooter)


Your Js code:

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(this).scrollTop() > 50)  /*height in pixels when the navbar becomes non opaque*/ 
        $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src','custom_logo.png'); //change src
    } else {
        $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src','logo_footer.png')


HTML code:

<?php $customLogo= 'custom_logo'; ?>
<?php $footerLogo= 'footer_logo'; ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">  
      // notice the quotes around the ?php tag         
      var customLogo="<?php echo $customLogo; ?>";
      var footerLogo="<?php echo $footLogo; ?>";

IF you need jquery with php code input then wp_localize_script() function. More information

 var logoImage = <?php the_custom_logo(); ?>;
var logoImageFooter = <?php the_custom_logo()?> //here footer logo

// Register the script
wp_register_script( 'some_handle', 'path/to/myscript.js' );

// Localize the script with new data
$translation_array = array(
    'logo_image' => the_custom_logo(),
    'logo_image_footer' => the_custom_logo()'
wp_localize_script( 'some_handle', 'object_name', $translation_array );

// Enqueued script with localized data.
wp_enqueue_script( 'some_handle' );

You can access the variables in JavaScript as follows:

        alert( object_name.logo_image);
        alert( object_name.logo_image_footer);

 $('.navbar-brand img').attr('src',object_name.logo_image); //change src

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