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Testcafe: How to test POST parameters of request

The page I am testing makes a POST ajax request when clicking a button. I would like to test, if the parameters that are being sent in this request are correct. How would I go about that?

This is, what I tried:

 import {RequestLogger, Selector} from '../../../node_modules/testcafe'; const requestUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/mypage/posttarget'; const logger = RequestLogger({url: requestUrl, method: 'post'}, {logRequestBody: true, logRequestHeaders: true}); fixture `Notifications`.page('http://localhost:8080/mypage') .requestHooks(logger); test('notification request contains id', async t => { await t .click('#submit-notification') .expect(logger.request.body.id) .eql(1) ; });

But logger.request is undefined. Also logger.requests.length is 0.

I would appreciate it, if someone could show me how I can check the request body?

The RequestLogger object has the requests property , which is an array of logged requests, but not a single request. I've tried to reproduce the issue with an empty requests property but it works as expected. Please check the following test code:

import { RequestLogger } from 'testcafe';

const requestUrl = 'https://demos.devexpress.com/aspxgridviewdemos/gridediting/EditForm.aspx';
const logger = RequestLogger({ url: requestUrl, method: 'post' }, { logRequestBody: true, logRequestHeaders: true });

fixture `Notifications`.page('https://demos.devexpress.com/aspxgridviewdemos/gridediting/EditForm.aspx')

test('notification request contains id', async t => {
    await t.click('#ContentHolder_grid_DXEFL_DXCBtn9');
    await t.expect(logger.requests[0].request.body).ok();

UPD. I've found a difference between:

await t.click('#ContentHolder_grid_DXEFL_DXCBtn9');
await t.expect(logger.requests[0].request.body).ok();


await t

The second case is not working because we need to wait until the request is fully processed, and so we need to add an await before assertion

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