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Using WordPress ACF repeater in header.php

Within ACF, I have a repeater called "slider" with a radio button field. This appears on the homepage of the site.

I'd like to output the radio button field within header.php. Here's what I'vd tried:

  if( have_rows('slider',$post->ID) ):
  while ( have_rows('slider',$post->ID) ) : the_row();
    if(get_sub_field('logo_type',$post->ID) == 'light' ) {
      echo '<p>Light</p>';

This is coming up empty even when I try var_dump(get_sub_field('logo_type',$post->ID));

I've also tried:

  if( have_rows('slider',$post->ID) ):
  global $wp_query;
  $postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
  while ( have_rows('slider',$postid) ) : the_row();
    if(get_sub_field('logo_type',$postid) == 'light' ) {
      echo '<p>Light</p>';

What am I doing wrong here?

Did you try without this $post->ID

 if( have_rows('slider') ):
  while ( have_rows('slider') ) : the_row();
   if(get_sub_field('logo_type') == 'light' ) {
      echo '<p>Light</p>';

I don't know if this will solve your problem but get_sub_field second parameter should not be the post id but the format value. So you would leave it empty in this case.

  if( have_rows('slider',$post->ID) ):
  global $wp_query;
  $postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
  while ( have_rows('slider',$postid) ) : the_row();
    if(get_sub_field('logo_type') == 'light' ) {
      echo '<p>Light</p>';

I also recommend debugging what ID you're getting from $postid.

  global $wp_query;
  $postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
  echo $postid;

I think you need to add your custom field along with menu. ie create field group with header and assign menu is equal to your header menu name and then call that field using following code

    $menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object('menuid');//replace with your menu id.

you can access it anywhere and you can see this field in Apperance->Menus->Menu-name->acf-field-name

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