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Why am I unable to load files in Clojure?

I have just started learning clojure, but have a hard time understanding why my file structure is erroneous. In the main file(main.clj), I have just this:

(ns example.core
    (:load "declare"))

...some code...

and in 'declare.clj', which is in the exact same classpath "project/src", I have this:

(in-ns 'example.core)
...some code...'

From what I understand I should be hitting the right syntax, but I only receive

Could not locate clojurepractice2/src/clojurepractice2/declarations__init.class or clojurepractice2/src/clojurepractice2/declarations.clj on classpath.

from REPL. I am using lein to code, which I know is supposed to automatically set the classpath. Is there something I am missing?
I have tried using load-file With the same results.

The main.clj should have namespace example.main . Or rename it to core.clj . This is definitely an issue with file name and namespace mismatch.

Because the file name should be same as the namespace name. If your file is in src/example/main.clj then the namespace should be example.main . The usage is

(ns example.main
    (:load "declare"))

Is the file path as src/example/main.clj ? Is the main inside the example folder in src ?

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