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URL rewrite in wordpress 2 times

I have a functionality on first page it lists all states on click of any states in next page it lists cities related to that state and on click f city it shows city page. State list page - https://benefitsexplorer.com/get-help/unclaimed-money/

originally url for city listing page was https://benefitsexplorer.com/cities/?lp=unclaimed-money&state=North%20Carolina/

I have added url rewrites successfully for this page using this code

function rewrite_state_url(){
function register_custom_query_vars($vars){
    array_push($vars, 'lp');
    array_push($vars, 'state');
    return $vars;
add_filter('query_vars', 'register_custom_query_vars',1);

So its showing url like i wanted https://benefitsexplorer.com/get-help/unclaimed-money/North%20Carolina

But i am trying now same for city page which will take parameter lastpage, state and city.

so i have added code like

function rewrite_city_url(){
function register_custom_query_vars1($vars){
    array_push($vars, 'lp');
    array_push($vars, 'state');
    array_push($vars, 'city');
    return $vars;
add_filter('query_vars', 'register_custom_query_vars1',2);

now its showing url https://benefitsexplorer.com/get-help/unclaimed-money/North%20Carolina/Locust/

but its showing same page which is showing at state list url https://benefitsexplorer.com/cities/?lp=unclaimed-money $state=North%20Carolina/

Try combine:

 function rewrite_state_url(){
 function register_custom_query_vars($vars){
    array_push($vars, 'lp');
    array_push($vars, 'state');
    array_push($vars, 'city');
    return $vars;
 add_filter('query_vars', 'register_custom_query_vars',1);

Also flush your permalinks (admin > settings > permalinks and hit save without changing anything)

The order in the add_rewrite_rule is important, so do not change it! And perhaps change your function name because now it contains state AND city :)

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