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Angular Material placeholder is not working with @Input

I am using angular materuial. In the parent component I have


In the child component in the .ts file I am using an @Input

@Input() placeholder: string;

In the child html file I have

    *ngFor="let item of optionsList" 

I am getting "placeholder" instead of "Select".

Any ideas? Thanks :)

In the child HTML, instead of using quotes use double curly bracket:


By using double quotes you are assigning the literal value of the string "placeholder", whereas Angular takes the value of the variable when it's between double curly brackets {{}}.

Since you are passing String as a Input, it needs to be enclosed within ''

<app-multiselect [placeholder]="'Select'" ></app-multiselect>

And when you are binding, you should use string interpolation as {{}}

 <mat-select placeholder="{{placeholder}}">


I had a similar issue and this worked for me; I got this solution from https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mat-select-data-ucmfzw?file=app.component.html


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