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Power bi tachometer visualizing the last value

I send a json with random temperature to Power BI:

"CPU_Temp" :"12",
"CPU_TempMin" :0,
"CPU_TempMax" :100,

Then I want to display current CPU data in tachometer (custom Power BI visual) I use CPU_TempMin for "Start Value", CPU_TempMax for "End Value", CPU_Temp for "Value".

I convert CPU_Temp to a string before sending it to get rid of aggregation on Power BI end (I don't need SUM , AVG etc) but it doesn't have an option for "Don't summarize".

I've checked all the gauges and neither of them has such an option.

Well, I found the way to "avoid" aggregating functions. Set all the values that you use(Start Value, End Value, Target Value etc) to AVG (average) I need to add filter: drag into filters the CPU_Temp field Than select Top N filter, type '1' Drag Any Datetime field (you must have it in your JSON) to "By value", select Latest.

Eventually we display Average value calculate from 1 latest value, which is obviously equal to this latest value.

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