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How can i change my image when connection to internet is fired offline or online,


            function myFunction() {

                if (navigator.onLine) {
                    swal("Great News" , 'Congratulation your connection is online', "success");
                } else {
                    swal("Sad News" , 'Can you please connect to the internet to login', "error");



I would like to add a function whereby the image is changed depending whether the users connection to the internet is offline or online

you can set a custom function like

 window.addEventListener("online" , _=>{
            //set image online
        window.addEventListener("offline" , _=>{
            //set image offline


 var img1 = document.getElementById("wifi-image") function changeimage(online){ if(online) { img1.src ="online-wifi.png" img1.alt ="online-wifi.png" } else{ img1.src ="offline-wifi.png" img1.alt ="offline-wifi.png" } } window.addEventListener("online" , _=>{ //set image online changeimage(true) }) window.addEventListener("offline" , _=>{ //set image offline changeimage(false) }) // at start changeimage(navigator.onLine) 
 <img id="wifi-image" src="" alt="online-mode"> 

As I can see that you have mentioned Cordova tag, So I'm assuming that it is for a mobile app.

You can store the image in the cache by using imgcache


but this will not work if your app has not connected to the internet even once because then it'll not have a file for reference.

Let me know if you find any difficulties.


in HTML :

<img id="imgID" src="img.png"/>

in JavaScript :

if(navigator.network.connection.type == Connection.NONE){
   console.log("device is offline");
    //you can now call picture from your folder

   console.log("device is online");
   //you can now call picture from internet like this

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