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Unknown argument “record” on field of type “Mutation” (graphql-compose)

I'm confused about how to create a Resolver correctly in graphql-compose: I have two related entities : entityGroup and entity. I want to create a default entity each time an entityGroup is created: so I need to call the resolve method of EntityGroup.createOne , then use that result's id to call "Entity.createOne"

This is the code I wrote so far:

import { composeWithMongoose } from 'graphql-compose-mongoose';
import { schemaComposer } from 'graphql-compose';

import {Resolver} from 'graphql-compose'

const customizationOptions = {}; // left it empty for simplicity, described below

const EntityTC = composeWithMongoose(Entity, customizationOptions)
const EntityGroupTC = composeWithMongoose(EntityGroup, customizationOptions)

const entityGroupCreate = new Resolver({

    name: 'entityGroupCreate',
    type: EntityGroupTC,
    args: {
        name: 'String!',
    resolve: async ({ source, args, context, info }) => {
        const created = await EntityGroupTC.getResolver('createOne').resolve({ source, args, context, info })
        console.log("created entity : ", created)
        return created


Now from the client side, I call the same code that I was using for the raw case where entityGroupCreate used the preexisiting resolver:

    entityGroupCreate: EntityGroupTC.getResolver('createOne'),

My issue is that everything works fine for the predefined resolver, but with my resolver I described above I get this error:

graphQl error : Unknown argument "record" on field "entityGroupCreate" of type "Mutation". graphQl error : Cannot query field "recordId" on type "EntityGroup". graphQl error : Cannot query field "record" on type "EntityGroup". graphQl error : Field "entityGroupCreate" argument "name" of type "String!" is required but not provided.

this is my query

const ADD_COMPLAINT = gql`mutation complaintCreate($entityId:String!, $title: String!, $desc: String!)
    complaintCreate(record:{entityId:$entityId, title:$title, desc:$desc}){
                user {

Now I understand that the mutation schema is wrong, but I really don't know where to start since that schema is constructed by graphql-compose-mongoose, and I touhght I can simply name it in the type field of the resolver : type: EntityGroupTC

I attempted to redefine the response format as specified in the comment:

const outputType = EntityGroupTC.constructor.schemaComposer.getOrCreateTC("entityGroupCreate", t => {
        recordId: {
            type: 'MongoID',
            description: 'Created document ID',
        record: {
            type: EntityGroupTC,
            description: 'Created document',

but I still have these errors

graphQl error : Unknown argument "record" on field "entityGroupCreate" of type "Mutation". graphQl error : Field "entityGroupCreate" argument "name" of type "String!" is required but not provided.

So I have to understand how this part works : https://github.com/graphql-compose/graphql-compose-mongoose/blob/master/src/resolvers/createOne.js:42

args: {
      ...recordHelperArgs(tc, {
        recordTypeName: `CreateOne${tc.getTypeName()}Input`,
        removeFields: ['id', '_id'],
        isRequired: true,
        ...(opts && opts.record),

In my opinion this is staring to get complicated for a library that is supposed to write less wiring code : I'm sure I'm doing it the wrong way...

Best regards,

Ok the solution was just in front of me :/, this is the end of the day syndrom

const createOneResolver = EntityGroupTC.getResolver('createOne')

const entityGroupCreate = new Resolver({
    name: 'entityGroupCreate',
    type: createOneResolver.type,
    args: createOneResolver.args,
    resolve: async ({ source, args, context, info }) => {
        const created = await createOneResolver.resolve({ source, args, context, info })
        console.log("created entity : ", created)
        return created

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