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Issue implementing ajax from one partial to another partial within a view

I have 2 controllers: Welcome (which handles the homepage) and Invitations (Which help people to create/manage invites). I am trying to have on the same welcome.html.erb both partials from Invitation view: _form.html.erb (for creating invitation) and _results.html.erb (to display the invites via Ajax on the same welcome.html.erb page). I also have have create.js.erb in the Invitation's view folder. The input work well but there is no live update. I still need to refresh the page. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong please?

_form.html.erb code is:

<h3 class="section_title"> Express meeting request IR </h3>
<div id="theform">
<%= simple_form_for invitation do |f| %>
  <%= f.error_notification %>
  <%= f.error_notification message: f.object.errors[:base].to_sentence if f.object.errors[:base].present? %>
  <%= f.label "Dest." %>
  <%= f.collection_select(:guest_id, User.all, :id, :full_name, {}, class: "selectpicker", title: "Choose recipient", multiple: true, data: {style: "form-control", size: "200", width: "100%"})  %>

  <%= f.input :event_id %>
    <%= f.input :start %>
    <%= f.input :title %>
    <%= f.input :type_of_event %>
    <%= f.label "Memo" %> <br>
    <%= f.text_area :memo,  as: :text, class: "text_area_iro", rows: 5 %>

  <div class="form-actions">
    <%= f.button :submit, class: "btn-custom"%>
<% end %>

_result.html.erb (certain header of the table removed) looks as:

<% @invitationsR.each do |invitation| %>
            <td><%= find_name(invitation.user_id) %></td>
            <td><%= invitation.start %></td>
            <td><%= TypeEvenement.find_by(id: invitation.type_of_event).type_name %> </td>         </tr>
        <% end %>

create.js.erb looks as:

$("#theform").html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial =>  'invitations/result', :locals => {:invitation => @invitation}) %>");

Welcome.html.erb looks like

<%= render :partial =>  'invitations/form', :locals => {:invitation => Invitation.new} %>
<%= render :partial =>  'invitations/result', :locals => {:invitations => @invitations} %>

The controller is as usual with plain new and create methods. The create method is as follows:

def create
    @listmail = params[:invitation][:guest_id]
    @listmail = @listmail.join(' ').split

    @listmail.each do |v|
      @invitation = current_user.invitations.build(invitation_params)
      @invitation.guest_id = v

    if @invitation.save
      redirect_to invitations_path
      render 'new'


You have some typos and missing points. In your create method you need to define a instance variable called @invitations which you will pass in the partial as a local variable in create.js.erb file:

def create
    ---- skip code ----

    @invitations = current_user.invitations # define this one 

    if @invitation.save
    ---- skip code ----


Now that you define the variable, thus in create.js.erb file would be:

$("#theform").html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial =>  'invitations/result', :locals => {:invitations => @invitations}) %>");

In _result.html.erb :

<% invitations.each do |invitation| %>
    ## Content
<% end %>

1 => Add remote :remote=> true to let form submit via ajax request.

<%= simple_form_for invitation, id: "invitation_form", :remote=> true do |f| %>

2 => wrap result partial within a separate id as: -

<%= render :partial =>  'invitations/form', :locals => {:invitation => Invitation.new} %>
<div id "result_partial">
  <%= render :partial =>  'invitations/result', :locals => {:invitations => @invitations} %>

3 => It's always good practice to use local variable (invitations instead of @invitations) in partial ie

In _result.html.erb

<% invitations.each do |invitation| %>
    <td><%= find_name(invitation.user_id) %></td>
    <td><%= invitation.start %></td>
    <td><%= TypeEvenement.find_by(id: invitation.type_of_event).type_name %> </td>  
<% end %>

4 => Refactor create action (ie always use in which format you should respond in html or js)

def create
  @listmail = params[:invitation][:guest_id]
  @listmail = @listmail.join(' ').split

  @listmail.each do |v|
    @invitation = current_user.invitations.build(invitation_params)
    @invitation.guest_id = v
    if @invitation.save!
      @invitations = current_user.invitations #get all invitations  including new invitations  that has been saved just now
      respond_to do |format|
        format.html{ redirect_to invitations_path }
        format.js { render :layout => false }
      window.location = "http://localhost:3000/invitations.new";

5 => After respond back

$('#invitation_form').[0].reset(); #reset form
$("#result_partial").html("<%= j render partial: 'invitations/result', :locals => {:invitation => @invitation}) %>"); #Refresh only results

The following code works to clear the form after the Ajax validation:

$("#result_partial").html("<%= j render partial: 'invitations/result', :locals => {:invitation => @invitation} %>");
$("#result2_partial").html("<%= j render partial: 'invitations/result2', :locals => {:invitation => @invitation} %>");

$('#invitation_form').html("<%= j render partial: 'invitations/form', :locals => {:invitation => Invitation.new}  %>");

Just do not forget to reset the select2 items with :

        placeholder: "Contact name, list or company",
        minimumInputLength: 3

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