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Use cowplot in R to align image() plots

I would like to align two plots in R, generated with the image() function.

Sample code:

# Load package

# Plot sample image
image <- image(matrix(rnorm(1000), 100,100))

# Align plots
plot_grid(image, image)

However, when I do it like this, the plots do not appear. Am I missing something? Or can cowplot not handle plots generated from the image function?

You need to do a little work to store those in your environment. If you check image you'll see it's NULL . So you'll have to record it, then plot it.

p <- recordPlot()
image(matrix(rnorm(1000), 100,100))

plot_grid(p, p, nrow = 2)


If you want to use cowplot for base-R plots, I highly recommend using the current development version of cowplot. In that version, you can simply turn your image code into a formula (by adding ~ in front) and it will work.

#> *******************************************************
#> Note: cowplot does not change the default ggplot2 theme
#> anymore. To recover the previous behavior, execute:
#>   theme_set(theme_cowplot())
#> *******************************************************

# Plot sample image
image <- ~image(matrix(rnorm(1000), 100,100))

# Align plots
plot_grid(image, image)

Created on 2018-10-27 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

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