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Apache Beam in python: How to reuse exactly the same transform on another PCollection

Several of my PCollections (that come from different sources) have to be decoded in the same way.

hits = (msgs | 'Parse' >> beam.Map(parse)
    | 'Decode' >> beam.Map(decode_hit))


dummy_hits = (dummy_msgs | 'Parse' >> beam.Map(parse)
    | 'Decode' >> beam.Map(decode_hit))

It would be really nice if I could reuse the transforms thanks to the names I've given them earlier. I naively tried this:

dummy_hits = (dummy_msgs | 'Parse'
    | 'Decode')

But my pipeline won't build. (TypeError: Expected a PTransform object, got Parse).

I thought it would be possible as documentation for the pipeline module states: "If same transform instance needs to be applied then the right shift operator should be used to designate new names (eg input | "label" >> my_tranform )"

What's the way for doing this? Is this only possible?

Names have to be unique, but since your sequence of steps is the same maybe you want to create a composite transform like this


So do this:

class ParseDecode(beam.PTransform):

  def expand(self, pcoll):
    return (pcoll
            | 'Parse' >> beam.Map(parse)
            | 'Decode' >> beam.Map(decode_hit))

So that you can do this:

hits = (msgs | 'Parse msgs' >> ParseDecode()

and then this:

dummy_hits = (dummy_msgs | 'Parse dummy msgs' >> ParseDecode()

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