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Angular lazy load of child module is not working?

I have a child module called branch and I wanted to load it only when I navigate to '/branch' url but am getting below error

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: undefined is not a function
TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)
    at webpackAsyncContext ($_lazy_route_resource lazy namespace object:15)

Navigation is used with routerLink as below

<button mat-raised-button color="accent" [routerLink]="['/branch']">View Branches</button>

app-routing-module.ts is:

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'branch', loadChildren: './branch/branch.module#BranchModule' },

Branch Module is:

  imports: [

        path: '', component: BranchComponent,
        path: 'view/:id', component: ViewBranchComponent
  declarations: [BranchComponent, ViewBranchComponent],
  exports: [BranchComponent, ViewBranchComponent, RouterModule]
export class BranchModule { }

Please can someone advise what went wrong here

看来你已经在你的app.module.here importe LazyLoad模块,请参阅相关的问题ROM Github这里。

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