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How to call JavaScript function in Razor

I've created an array and pass it to view with ViewBag.

ViewBag.MarkerList = Utility.markerList; 

And I have a function to add a marker on map in JavaScript:

function myFunction(item) {
    var marker = L.marker([item.lat, item.lng], { riseOnHover: true }).addTo(mymap);
    marker.bindPopup("I am a popup.<br>"+ item.lat + "," + item.lng);
var array = @ViewBag.MarkerList;


How can I use foreach in ViewBag and call the JavaScript function?

You can convert c# array to json for javascript in method and call method on page load.

function myFunction() {
    var markerList= @Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(ViewBag.MarkerList));
    for(item in markerList) {
        var marker = L.marker([item.lat, item.lng], { riseOnHover: true}).addTo(mymap);
        marker.bindPopup("I am a popup.<br>"+ item.lat + "," + item.lng);

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