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Technical information missing in "F1" screen for grid column of CL_SALV_TABLE

FM ' REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY ' allows user to get Technical information of structure name and Field name, after pressing F1 on a field of grid.

Is there any possibility to display technical information for grid of CL_SALV_TABLE ?


Umar Abdullah

You have to clear rollname in fieldcatalog. sample example as below.

* Get the column object to Optimize
 DATA(lo_cols) = lo_salv_table->get_columns( ).
 lo_cols->set_optimize( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).

* Change fieldcatalog
 DATA(lt_columns) = lo_cols->get( ).

 LOOP AT lt_columns ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_column>).

   <ls_column>-r_column->set_f1_rollname( value = '' ).



Umar Abdullah

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