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x509: cannot validate certificate for <<HOST IP>> because it doesn't contain any IP SANs - Hyperledger Fabric-CA

I'm trying to enroll an intermediate certificate authority with its root certificate authority, I'm using TLS and the CAs run in separated docker containers using the fabric-ca images. If I send the CSR trough the docker network there are no problems, but if I try to send it trough my local network I have this problem: x509: cannot validate certificate for "HOST_IP" because it doesn't contain any IP SANs. I read that the reason for my problem, is that the TLS certificate(s) don't contain IP SANs (IP subject alternative names), this is a field in the TLS certificate that basically says: "The certificate was issued to a host that its IP is: <>". So, if that is the problem, how I could add this field to my certificate? and if not, what is the problem and how I could resolve it? Thanks and regards!

You can follow the explanation given here with a similar IP SANS issue. There is also detailed explanation of IP SANS issue in HLF mailing List . Also make sure when you are using Fabric CA Client, to generate the certificates, use the server's hostname to request the same. for eg fabric-ca-client enroll -d --enrollment.profile tls -c <client configuration file> -u https://admin:adminpw@<server hostname>:7054 --csr.hosts $PEER_HOST . If IP address is given in URL TLS handshake will fail with bad TLS certificate error on the server side and 'certificate does not contain IP SANS' error on the client side as the ca-cert.pem used to perform the handshake with the server contains hostname and not the IP address.

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