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Using PureConfig with Refined?

I have the below conf file:

connection.port = 8080
connection.interface = ""

I am trying to use refined and refined-pureconfig when reading this file. I have the below class:

import com.api.models.{Config, Connection}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import pureconfig.error.ConfigReaderFailures
import pureconfig.loadConfig

object Configuration {
  val config = ConfigFactory.load()

  val stuff: Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Connection] = loadConfig[Connection](config)

 stuff match {
   case Left(left) => println(left)
   case Right(right) => println(right)

This is reading the below case class:

case class Connection(port: Int, interface: String)

However when I try to compile this, I get the following error:

Error:(19, 79) could not find implicit value for parameter reader: pureconfig.Derivation[pureconfig.ConfigReader[com.api.models.Connection]]
  val stuff: Either[ConfigReaderFailures, Connection] = loadConfig[Connection](config)

I'm really not sure how to create such an implicit?

Most likely you're missing an import probably this one: import pureconfig.generic.auto._

see https://pureconfig.github.io/docs/

If you're interested in what's happening here you can look into "typeclass derivation"

EDIT: Note that right now this has nothing to do with refined types as your code snipped is not using them.

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