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Installing specific version of dependencies for a package inside that package in package.json

I know the title is confusing but I wasn't sure how to word my issue...

I am using a package in my App called "react-dnd-html5-backend". This specific package has a dependency called "autobind-decorator". autobind-decorator recently posted an update to their package that introduced conflicts in a few spots in my App. I would like to specify that "react-dnd-html5-backend" use the exact version that I know is compatible wit my code. Is there a way to specify that in my package.json file? To specify the version of "autobind-decorator" that "react-dnd-html5-backend" uses while in my application?

Adding autobind-decorator with a specific version as a dependency into your project's package.json will force to install that version.

Note that react-dnd-html5-backend should support to use autobind-decorator version, if not it will cause a version conflict error.

Thanks Gonzalo! I believe I tried that but was unable to override the version used by "react-dnd-html5-backend" In my impatience I actually found a different solution that I figured I should post in case anyone else runs into the same problem. It looks like you can specify the version of a nested package by using the resolutions field of the package.json:


"resolutions": {
    "**/autobind-decorator": "2.1.0"

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