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what are the protocols used by the internet of things? [on hold]

I understand that internet of things uses OSI model protocols but some articles mentions that the internet of things uses TCP/IP model. even though from the research that I conducted I can truly understand that these 2 models are the same whereas the second one combined the three layers under the application layer. I also understand that each layer communicate with the other layer of the end computer where a communication start from the top to down from the sender and then down to top in the receiver and at each layer a connections or a communication is established in the other layer. But the problem I am facing is that how the internet of things protocols communicates with each other? I need a deep understand of this concept where in the internet there is only few resources about this topic.

I'm working with the MQTT Protocol is the best protocol for the machine to machine communication.

MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M) data transfer protocol that is quickly becoming the leading messaging protocol for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT).

you can found the more information here, https://inductiveautomation.com/what-is-mqtt

Hope It's useful.

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