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Pandas isin with multiple columns

I want to select all rows in a dataframe which contain values defined in a list. I've got two approaches which both do not work as expected/wanted.

My dataframe looks something like this:

1 | DEV1 | READ1 | randomvalue
2 | DEV1 | READ2 | randomvalue
3 | DEV2 | READ1 | randomvalue
4 | DEV2 | READ2 | randomvalue
5 | DEV3 | READ1 | randomvalue

and I've got the list (ls) like follows:

[[DEV1, READ1], [DEV1, READ2], [DEV2,READ1]]

In this scenario I want to remove line 4 and 5 :

My first approach was:

df = df[(df['DEVICE']. isin([ls[i][0] for i in range(len(ls))])) &
        (df['READING'].isin([ls[k][1] for k in range(len(ls))]))]

The problem with this one is obviously, that it does not remove line 4, because DEV2 has the READING READ2, but it should remove it.

My second approach was:

df = df[(df[['DEVICE','READING']].isin({'DEVICE':  [ls[i][0] for i in range(len(ls))],
                                        'READING': [ls[i][1] for i in range(len(ls))] }))]

This one selects the correct rows but it does not remove the other rows. Instead it sets every other cell to NaN, including the VALUE ROW, which i do want to keep. And It does not accumulate both so row 4 looks like 4 |DEV2|NaN|NaN

What would be the easiest or best way, to solve this problem? Can you help me?


You can convert the list to list of tuples. Convert the required columns in dataframe to tuples and use isin

l = [['DEV1', 'READ1'], ['DEV1', 'READ2'], ['DEV2','READ1']]
l = [tuple(i) for i in l]
df[df[['DEVICE', 'READING']].apply(tuple, axis = 1).isin(l)]

You get

0   1   DEV1    READ1   randomvalue
1   2   DEV1    READ2   randomvalue
2   3   DEV2    READ1   randomvalue

You can use a multi-index to solve this problem.

values = [['DEV1', 'READ1'], ['DEV1', 'READ2'], ['DEV2', 'READ1']]
# DataFrame.loc requires tuples for multi-index lookups
index_values = [tuple(v) for v in values]

filtered = df.set_index(['DEVICE', 'READING']).loc[index_values].reset_index()

  DEVICE READING  Timestamp        VALUE
0   DEV1   READ1          1  randomvalue
1   DEV1   READ2          2  randomvalue
2   DEV2   READ1          3  randomvalue  

This should do what you want

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,1,0,0,1], 'b':[0,0,1,0,1]})

keepers = [[0,0],[1,1]]

df = df[df.apply(lambda row: [row['a'], row['b']] in keepers, axis=1)]



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