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Redux-Saga pass headers to axios.post call

I am having some difficulties with redux-saga . I have the following saga:

createPostSaga :

function* createPostSaga(action) {
  const token = yield select(selectToken);
  const headerParams = {
    Authorization: `JWT ${token}`
  console.log(token, headerParams);
  try {
    yield call(axios.post, "/posts/", action.payload, headerParams);
    yield call(getPosts());
  } catch (error) {

As you can see I am selecting my token, and putting into an object with key Authorization and value JWT ${token} , my API is still responding with 401 unauthorized , but it must be an issue with this call because I can replicate this call in Postman and it goes through fine:


Does anyone see what I did wrong?

Try to create a fetch function and use it inside .call .

function* createPostSaga(action) {
  const token = yield select(selectToken);
  const headerParams = {
    "Authorization": `JWT ${token}`

  const apiCall = () => {
    return axios.post('/posts', {
      action.payload // only if not an object. Otherwise don't use outer {},
    headerParams: headerParams,
   ).then(response => response.data)
    .catch(err => {
      throw err;

  console.log(token, headerParams);
  try {
    yield call(apiCall);
    yield call(getPosts());
  } catch (error) {

You have to call the function like this.

function* createPostSaga(action) {
  const token = yield select(selectToken);
  const headerParams = {
    Authorization: `JWT ${token}`
  console.log(token, headerParams);
  try {
    yield call(axios.post, "/posts/", action.payload, {headers:headerParams});
    yield call(getPosts());
  } catch (error) {

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