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Cannot connect to Azure MySQL from Laravel app

I have a Laravel App that is using MySQL as its main DB. We are now trying to implement the Azure MySQL service, but the usernames comes with an '@' in it.

For example, if my server name is "test", then to connect from cli: mysql -htest.mysql.database.azure.com -u'someuser@test' -p

I can connect from Java and Go with no problem, but Laravel can't handle the '@' in the username. It takes the string after '@' as the host and tries to connect to it, but it doesn't resolve to any IP, so the connection fails.

I have tried to escape the sign like 'user\\@test', ' user@test ' and 'userU+0040test', but nothing works. The server always returns this error:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [9002] The connection string may not be right. Please visit portal for references

The Azure portal shows the code to connect using mysqli , and that works, but I cannot use that from Laravel (I think?).

How could I make this connection work?


Try using double qoutes around your username. Like eg "someuser@test"

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