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Access Nuxt plugins in .js files

Let's say that I have a script file, foo.js :

function doStuff() {
   // how to access store and other plugins here?

export default { doStuff }

Without passing the calling component as an argument, how can I access things like app or installed plugins like store , i18n in a script file like the one above?

There are multiple ways to call custom function with this being a reference to the component it was invoked in.

1) Using mixins

Custom function can be declared as a method and used within component via this.customMethod .


const customHelpers = {
  methods: {
    doStuff () {
      // this will be referenced to component it is executed in


// component.vue
import customHelpers from '~/mixins/customHelpers'
export default {
  mixins: [customHelpers],
  mounted () {

2. Using context injection

Declare custom plugin:


import Vue from 'vue'

Vue.prototype.$doStuff = () => { /* stuff happens here */ }

And use plugin in nuxt.config.js

export default {
  ..., // other nuxt options
  plugins: ['~/plugins/customHelpers.js']

This makes method available inside every component:

export default {
  mounted () {

3) Using combined injection

Same as method 2 , but injection will be also accessible inside fetch , asyncData and inside store modules. Bindings to this may vary, since context is not available everywhere.


export default ({ app }, inject) => {
  inject('doStuff', () => { /* stuff happens here */ })

And use plugin in nuxt.config.js

export default {
  ..., // other nuxt options
  plugins: ['~/plugins/customHelpers.js']

Usage example:

export default {
  asyncData ({ app }) {

Please, refer to documentation for more examples.

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