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How to get PodSandboxConfig object in PullImageRequest on container runtime interface interface

I'm working on a new CRI for Kubernetes and I would like to have information about the pod configuration in the PullImage method, but PullImageRequest always contains the sandbox configuration with nil value.

As you can see, PullImageRequest contains a PodSanboxConfig object:

type PullImageRequest struct {
    // Spec of the image.
    Image *ImageSpec `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=image" json:"image,omitempty"`
    // Authentication configuration for pulling the image.
    Auth *AuthConfig `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=auth" json:"auth,omitempty"`
    // Config of the PodSandbox, which is used to pull image in PodSandbox context.
    SandboxConfig *PodSandboxConfig `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=sandbox_config,json=sandboxConfig" json:"sandbox_config,omitempty"`

I'm working with

Kubernetes 1.11.3



How can I do to get the PodSandboxConfig object?


我在 Kubernetes github 上创建了一个关于它的问题,他们正在这个pull request中处理它。

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