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JavaScript apply classList.toggle to only onclick element

I have a function in my todo list app that generates my HTML:

function updateResults() {
            listItems = todos.reduce((result, item) => {
                result += `<li class="todo">${item}<div class="controls">
                <span class="check" onclick="checkItem()"></span><span class="delete">&#x1F5D1</span></div></li>`;
                return result;
            }, '');
            resultElement = document.getElementById('result');
            // Set inner HTML
            resultElement.innerHTML = listItems;

When the 'check' span is clicked on one of the generated items, I want only that item to be checked, but I'm only able to toggle ALL list items at a time.

function checkItem() {
            [...document.getElementsByClassName('check')].forEach(function (item) {

I want to be using the 'this' keyword here right? I've tried a bunch of different syntax but have not been able to to target just the element that was clicked with my 'checked' class.

Thanks kindly.

I suggest removing the inline onclick (and your checkItem function) and creating an event listenter like this

// listen to all clicks on your page
window.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
  // if the clicked element has a class named check
  if (event.target.classList.contains('check')) {
    // remove or add the class checked only from this element

This way only the clicked element with check class gets checked class applied.

You can read more about the addEventListener here at MDN .

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