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How to point DNS at a dynamic IP address?

Bluehost is my DNS provider and my app is hosted on heroku. I'm trying to point the DNS at my heroku app but there's an issue. Heroku's documentation states the following:

Some DNS providers will only offer A records for root domains. Unfortunately, A records will not suffice for pointing your root domains to Heroku because they require a static IP. These records have serious availability implications when used in environments such as on-premise data-centers, cloud infrastructure services, and platforms like Heroku. Since Heroku uses dynamic IP addresses, it's necessary to use a CNAME-like record (often referred to as ALIAS or ANAME records) so that you can point your root domain to another domain. See examples below.

They go on to recommend creating a CNAME record with the values @ and your root domain alias, eg hidden-sierra-7936.herokudns.com .

But Bluehost won't allow this because they want an IPv4 IP Address only and won't accept something like hidden-sierra-7936.herokudns.com as a valid CNAME record. I've already done the www record and things aren't working, so I'm guessing I need the ANAME record as well.


Is there any way around this other than switching to a new DNS provider?

Bluehost does not support this. Google and Cloudflare do, perhaps others. Cloudflare worked for me.

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