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Do I need to integrate InMobi sdk if I am already using admob

I have been using AdMob as a sole ad network for my app for a while. But the fill rate has dropped significantly recently, so I started seeing other options and I stumbled upon InMobi. So I created an account obtained the necessary IDs(placement and account). and I added these information to the AdMob mediation settings and set it's priority as 1. and waited for a day but still no impressions even though I am getting tons of requests(2.8k to be exact).

Do I need to integrate the sdk into my app source code? If not what could be the issue?

Yes you need to integrate the InMobi SDK in every scenario.

If want to mediate InMobi from AdMob you need to follow this guideline from the InMobi SDK integration step here .

If you want to completely switch to InMobi as your primary ad provider this is the guide .

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