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direction : rtl doesn't work with angular material cards?

I'm using angular material cards and want to make text start from right to left , so i used direction: rtl; but it wasn't work . any help ? HTML Code :

<mat-card class="example-card">
     <div mat-card-avatar class="example-header-image"></div>
         <button class="profilrButton" (click)="viewProfile(post.uid)">{{post.fullName}}</button>
          <p wrapper>{{post.title}} </p>
      <mat-card-subtitle style="float: right;font-size: 8pt">{{arr[ind]['date']}}</mat-card-subtitle>

  <img mat-card-image src={{post.imageURL}} alt="Photo of a Shiba Inu">
     <p [class]="(hasArabic(post.description))? 'pre rtl':'pre'">
     <button class="classA" (click)="approve(post.key,ind)" mat-button>Accept</button>
     <button class="classR" (click)="delete(post.key,ind)" mat-button>Reject</button>


 white-space: pre-line;
 direction: rtl;

I believe Material uses the dir attribute more than the direction style. Try:

     <p [dir]="(hasArabic(post.description)) ? 'rtl' : 'auto'" class="pre">

You may also want to read up on the bidirectionality module but I think that is more for your own custom components that are used by Material components.

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