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d3js v5 + topojson v3 Access to the object's properties in the background

I'm looking for a tip to access to the object's properties in the background. Indeed, with a mousehover, I want to reveal the properties of layer ze.json (the geographical unit).

However, my proportionnal circles hide this layer. 在此处输入图片说明

I have not really idea of the procedure envisaged because :

  • Circle proportional must be on the top
  • Opacity doesn't solve the problem

Maybe I should report the information on proportional circles. But how could I transfer this information ? (not only the population but also the ZE name )

Proportionnal Circles

let rMax = d3.max(featureCollectionZe.features,(d)=>{return d.properties.pop;});

let propCircle = g.attr("class","prop_circle")
    .attr("transform", (d)=>{return "translate(" + path.centroid(d) + ")";})

Mouse event

        (e)=>{return document.getElementById("name").innerHTML=e.properties.nom_ze,
        (e)=>{return document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="&nbsp",

Here is my code : https://plnkr.co/edit/ZzeHWfChXa348iNBcHWQ

我不确定这是否可以完全解决您的问题,但是您是否尝试过将pointer-events: none应用于圈子pointer-events: none CSS属性?

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