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Wordpress ACF - How to get field from category page

I have a website with several categories and now I'm implementing the languages and I need to add a custom field to category page but I can't get the field.

So this is my custom field: 在此处输入图片说明

Next I go to category page and introduce the text in each language.

In my code I do this:

      $obj = get_queried_object();
      $ar = array('child_of' => $obj->term_id);

      $categories = get_categories( $ar );

      foreach($categories as $category) {
        $custom_field = get_field('descricao_traducoes', $obj->term_id);

But returns me null .

How can I do that?

I think you're just passing the wrong variable as a second parameter in get_field !

Do $category->term_id instead.

(Unless you meant to dump the descricao_traducoes of the queried object for as many times as there are categories)


$obj        = get_queried_object();
$ar         = array('child_of' => $obj->term_id);
$categories = get_categories( $ar );

foreach($categories as $category) {
    $custom_field = get_field('descricao_traducoes', $category->term_id);


From the ACF docs :

get_field($selector, [$post_id], [$format_value]);

  • $selector (string) (Required) The field name or field key.
  • $post_id (mixed) (Optional) The post ID where the value is saved. Defaults to the current post.
  • $format_value (bool) (Optional) Whether to apply formatting logic. Defaults to true.

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