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The class 'App\Document\User' was not found in the chain configured namespaces

I have just put in place mongodb with symfony4.1.

When I want to persist a simple User in the database, I got this error (title) :

Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\Mapping\\MappingException: "The class 'App\\Document\\User' was not found in the chain configured namespaces


Here my controller :

 * @Route("/mongoTest")
 * @Method("GET")
 * @param DocumentManager $dm
 * @return JsonResponse
public function mongoTest(DocumentManager $dm)
    $user = new User();
    return new JsonResponse(array('Status' => 'OK'));

Config :

 doctrine_mongodb: connections: default: server: "%mongodb_server%" options: {} default_database: "%mongodb_database_name%" document_managers: default: auto_mapping: true default_commit_options: ~ 

Here my Document :

 <?php namespace App\\Document; use Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB\\Mapping\\Annotations as MongoDB; /** * @MongoDB\\Document */ class User { /** * @MongoDB\\Id */ protected $id; /** * @MongoDB\\Field(type="string") */ protected $firstname; /** * @MongoDB\\Field(type="string") */ protected $lastname; /** * @MongoDB\\Field(type="string") */ protected $email; /** * @MongoDB\\Field(type="string") */ protected $password; /** * @MongoDB\\Field(type="date") */ protected $create_date; // ... } 

Does anyone have an idea ?

Thanks a lot !!

I found the answer :

I do not use bundles.

 doctrine_mongodb: connections: default: server: "%mongodb_server%" options: {} default_database: "%mongodb_database_name%" document_managers: default: mappings: # ... App: type: annotation dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/../src/Document" is_bundle: false prefix: App\\Document alias: App default_commit_options: ~ 

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