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Change event triggered too quick from the mat-slider with Angular 7

The problem appeared after upgrading to angular 7. If you click on the slider without releasing the click (mouseup), it still trigger and emit to the change event. How can I ignore that event? Sometime people will start dragging a few pixel beside the real center of the label and I want to prevent the change event at that moment.


public change($event) {
    // need a way to ignore the first trigger if the slider is still being dragged

I hope you've found a solution for this. In my case I forgot to import the BrowserAnimationsModule

After importing it the mat-slider was working as one would expect.

As a workaround you can use global mouse up event.

In the controller it would look something like this:

@ViewChild(MatSlider) slider: MatSlider;

@HostListener('window:mouseup', ['$event'])
mouseUp(event) {

You need, of course, to import MatSlider:

import { MatSlider } from '@angular/material';

In the mouseUp() method you can add check if user actually started dragging slider by observing the flag, which is set in the (mousedown) event handler on the mat-slider control.

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