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Angular 7 variable in view not initialized from url query params on first load

I'm new in Angular and I have problem with pass params from url to view on first load.

In my URL i have parameter page:


In component I have next code:

export class CatalogListComponent implements OnInit {

     constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute){

       this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
          this.page = +params['page'] || 1;

     setPage(page: number) {
    this.router.navigate(['catalog'], { queryParams: {...this.queryParams, page } });

In view I usengb-pagination :

<ngb-pagination class="pagination"

When I'm open/refresh link in browser .../catalog?page=3ngb-pagination always shows me page 1 instead of 3 , but next navigation works fine([page num in url and in pagination the same).

What I'm doing wrong ?

As answered before, you should refactor your method with the following code:

       this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
          this.page = params['page'];

And there is a little trick to print what you want in the console:

console.log('my value is: ', example);
<ngb-pagination [collectionSize]="total | async" 
[(page)]="page" aria-label="Pagination"></ngb-pagination>

you should use / pass the $event as argument instead of page

Ref : http://plnkr.co/edit/TDm5rv4RmxIKoWYWp8Qa?p=preview

You should add *ngIf directive as attribute to ngb-pagination . The code should look like this

<ngb-pagination *ngIf="total" [collectionSize]="total"...></ngb-pagination>

It worked in my case.

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