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How to re-use pre process jenkins/groovy in each test

Im using the following code to run our voter , currently I've one target which is called Run Tests Which use exactly the same steps as the last (lint) , currently I duplicate it which I think is not a good solution , Is there is nice way to avoid this duplication and done it only once as per-requisite process ?

I need all the steps until the cd to the project

The only difference is one target I run

go test ...

and the second

go lint 

All steps before are equal

#!/usr/bin/env groovy

    try {
                'Run Tests': {
                    node {

                        //————————Here we start
                        checkout scm
                        def dockerImage = 'docker.company:50001/crt/deg:0.1.3-09’
                        setupPipelineEnvironment script: this, 
                        measureDuration(script: this, measurementName: 'build') {
                            executeDocker(dockerImage: dockerImage,  dockerWorkspace: '/go/src') {
                                sh """
                                mkdir -p /go/src/github.com/ftr/myGoProj
                                cp -R $WORKSPACE/* /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
                                cd  /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
                        //————————Here we finish and TEST
                                go test -v ./...                           
                ‘Lint’: {
               node {
                        //————————Here we start
                        checkout scm
                        def dockerImage = 'docker.company:50001/crt/deg:0.1.3-09’
                        setupPipelineEnvironment script: this, 
                        measureDuration(script: this, measurementName: 'build') {
                            executeDocker(dockerImage: dockerImage,  dockerWorkspace: '/go/src') {
                                sh """
                                mkdir -p /go/src/github.com/ftr/myGoProj
                                cp -R $WORKSPACE/* /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
                                cd  /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
                        //————————Here we finish and LINT
                               go lint



You can use function and pass Go arguments:

try {
        'Run Tests': {
            node {
                checkout scm
                runTestsInDocker('test -v ./...')
        'Lint': {
            node {
                checkout scm

def runTestsInDocker(goArgs) {
    def dockerImage = 'docker.company:50001/crt/deg:0.1.3-09'
    setupPipelineEnvironment script: this, 
    measureDuration(script: this, measurementName: 'build') {
        executeDocker(dockerImage: dockerImage,  dockerWorkspace: '/go/src') {
            sh """
            mkdir -p /go/src/github.com/ftr/myGoProj
            cp -R $WORKSPACE/* /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
            cd  /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
            go ${goArgs}                        


If some actions can be separated out of runTestsInDocker they probably should be.

For example setupPipelineEnvironment step. I don't know exact logic but maybe it can be run once before running test.

node {
    stage('setup') {
        setupPipelineEnvironment script: this
    stage ('Tests') {
            'Run Tests': {
                node {
                    checkout scm
                    runTestsInDocker('test -v ./...')
            'Lint': {
                node {
                    checkout scm

def runTestsInDocker(goArgs) {
    def dockerImage = 'docker.company:50001/crt/deg:0.1.3-09'
    measureDuration(script: this, measurementName: 'build') {
        executeDocker(dockerImage: dockerImage,  dockerWorkspace: '/go/src') {
            sh """
            mkdir -p /go/src/github.com/ftr/myGoProj
            cp -R $WORKSPACE/* /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
            cd  /go/src/github.com/ftr/MyGoProj
            go ${goArgs}                        


If you are running parallel on remote agents you must remember that setup performed on master may be not aviailable on remote slave.

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