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Is it possible to automate touch ID or face ID using xcuitest in simulator?

Is there a way to automate face ID or Touch ID using xcuitest framework in simulator. Manually I can perform enrolling face/touch id and perform matching or non-matching scenarios. However I would like to know if it can be automated?

Given this post by Kane Cheshire it is possible to automate touch ID and face ID for unit testing by sending a Darwin notification like so :

+ (void)enrolled {
  int token;
  notify_register_check("com.apple.BiometricKit.enrollmentChanged", &token);
  notify_set_state(token, 1);

Only in Objective-C though, so you may need to use a bridging header.

Import the files Biometrics.m and Biometrics.h from his demo on Gitub and you will be able to call Biometrics.enrolled() from your XCTestCase .

Alternatively, if the Touch/FaceId is blocking your XCUITesting, I suggest, you put a simple check like the below to disable the Touch/faceId

guard CommandLine.isRunningUITests else {
    return true
extension CommandLine {
    static var isRunningUITests:Bool {
        return CommandLine.arguments.contains("--uitesting")

You can easily pass LaunchArguments like below


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