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the proper way to run django rq in docker microservices setup

I have somehow bad setup of my docker containers I guess. Because each time I run task from django I see in docker container output of ps aux that there is new process created of python mange.py rqworker mail instead of using the existing one. See the screencast: https://imgur.com/a/HxUjzJ5

the process executed from command in my docker compose for rq worker container looks like this.

#!/bin/sh -e


for KEY in $(redis-cli -h $REDIS_HOST -n 2 KEYS "rq:worker*"); do
    redis-cli -h $REDIS_HOST -n 2  DEL $KEY

if [ "$ENVIRONMENT" = "development" ]; then
    python manage.py rqworkers --worker-class rq.SimpleWorker --autoreload;
    python manage.py rqworkers --worker-class rq.SimpleWorker --workers 4;

I am new to docker and wondering a bit that this is started like this without deamonization... but is it a dockerish way of doing thing, right?

Here's what I do, with docker-compose:

version: '3'

    build: .
    image: mysite
    image: mysite
    command: python manage.py rqworker
    image: mysite
    command: python manage.py rqworker high

Then start with:

$ docker-compose up --scale rqworker_high=4

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