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What is the default username and password for the administration console of the payara full app server when booted from the official docker image?

I'm using the official docker image for payara full, the 5.183 version, here is my setup .

I've tried admin/blank, admin/admin, admin/changeit, nothing works.

I could not find any documentation on the payara site about this and the blogs I've found related to this did not help.


The credentials for all Payara Server docker images are admin/admin for the username and password. You can find this out in the README in the GitHub repositories (also available in Docker Hub ):


...the admin interface is secured by default (in both the default domain1 as well as payaradomain), accessible using HTTPS on the host machine: https://localhost:4848 The default user and password is admin.

You can also see this is the case from the actual Dockerfile at line 34:


If this isn't working for you, then something else is probably going on.

I tested this myself using docker run -it -p 4848:4848 payara/server-full:5.183 and found I could log in with admin/admin. For reference, here is the exact image I was using:

REPOSITORY            TAG       IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
payara/server-full    5.183     b216dd970898        3 months ago        973MB

Check that your ID matches to verify that it is the same image.

I have been in a similar situation - the difference was that it wasn't a docker image - I had only to execute asadmin change-admin-password from the ...\\payara-5.2020.5\\glassfish\\bin folder and when prompted for the current admin password (eg. "Enter the admin password>") just leave blank and continue with the next steps of setting it.

So, basically, what I have learnt from this is that the password is not yet set and you have to use the CLI to set it before using the console.

Note: I have taken the summary above from here . You may also check if the full scenario from there fits you better.

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