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How to schedule node.js code to run at a specific time daily outside times given in scheduler?

So, I see that heroku provides the option to run a command at a specific time. Information on the scheduler here.

LINK: https://elements.heroku.com/addons/scheduler

However, if you go through the steps when setting it up, they do not provide a lot of flexibility on when you can run your code daily. For example, you can only run code at 4:00pm or 4:30pm, not 4:10pm.

How can I make it so that a node.js file would run on heroku at a specific time (like 4:10pm or 2:15pm, some time outside the options given on heroku) on a daily basis?

There appears to be no support for node.js explaining this either on their website.

Might be just a work around, but you could start the process at the nearest time slot, that is before your desired time, let it run and wait passively until your desired time and let it do the actual task just then.

However notice as Heroku mentions in the documentation Heroku Scheduler isn't guaranteed to run the task, even though it's very reliable. If you need something critical or have something that has to been run everyday for sure, you should probably make a separate process, which handles the scheduling.

We've added a simple Heroku add-on called Cron To Go that does exactly that - you can use Cron expressions for accuracy and schedule one-off Dynos, just like with Heroku Scheduler.

There's also a simple Node example here .

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