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Angular Identifier 'playerType' is not defined. '' does not contain such a member

I am working on an ionic app, where I am fetching value using *ngFor="let playerValue of players" , in HTML file

But I am getting error on using property of playerValue like playerPhoto or playerType in html while interpolation {{playerValue.playerPhoto}} or playerValue.playerType eg : -

<img src={{playerValue.playerPhoto}}></button> 


<div *ngSwitchCase="playerValue.playerType">

error message is -:

[Angular] Identifier 'playerType' is not defined. '' does not contain such a member


[Angular] Identifier 'playerPhoto' is not defined. '' does not contain such a member

html where I am getting the error

<ion-content no-padding>
  <div class="create-team-section">
    <ion-list class="team-create-list">
      <div [ngSwitch]="playerType" *ngFor="let playerValue of players |
          search : terms| sort: {property: column, order: order}; let i = index">
        <div *ngSwitchCase="playerValue.playerType" ngSelected="selected">
          <ion-item [class.active]="playerValue.isSelected? 'active' : null">
            <ion-grid no-padding>
              <!-- <a (click)="playerInfo()"><img src={{playerValue.playerPhoto}}></a> -->
              <ion-row align-items-center [class.shake]="shake==playerValue.playerUid ? 'shake' : null">
                <ion-col col-3>
                  <!-- <div class="create-team-imge" >
                      <img src={{playerValue.playerPhoto}}>
                    </div> -->
                  <div class="create-team-imge">
                    <ion-avatar item-star no-line>
                      <button (click)="playerinfo(i)"><img src={{playerValue.playerPhoto}}></button>
                      <ion-icon name="information"></ion-icon>
                <ion-col col-md-9 col-9 (click)="setClickedRow(i)">
                  <ion-row align-items-center>
                    <ion-col col-md-8 col-7>

                      <p>Selected By {{playerValue.selectedBy}}</p>
                      <p class="country" >{{playerValue.teamName}}</p>
                      <p class="points"> Points:
                    <ion-col col-md-4 col-5 class="cradit">
                      <button ion-button icon-only>
                        <ion-icon [name]="playerValue.isSelected? 'close' : 'ios-checkmark'"></ion-icon>


ts file

export class CreateteamPage {

  players: any = [];

Try creating an interface like this

export interface Players {
 playerType: string;
 playerPhoto: string;

And in your ts file:

import { Players } from './models/players' // path to the interface

export class CreateteamPage {

 players: Players[];

 // rest of the code

Try safe parameter ? :

<img src={{playerValue?.playerPhoto}}></button> 


<div *ngSwitchCase="playerValue?.playerType">

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