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WordPress Send Email Content as .HTML attachment

I have an email that has HTML content in it that is not suitable for email standards. Meaning it has markup that is not valid in email standards.

I need to send this content/PHP variable as an HTML file instead of as email body content. I'm using wp_mail. I simply want to take the $template variable and make it an html file somehow and send it off. Below is the simple wp_mail function that I'm using. Again, I need to use the $template variable and somehow generate an HTML file out of it.

file_put_contents is not an option.

wp_mail($to, $subject, $template, $headers, $mail_attachment);

How about $myfile = fopen('myHTMLFile.html', 'w');

And with fwrite() you put your content in it and send it.

You can consider wp_upload_bits to create the template file since wp_mail only accepts files for attachments:

$html_file = wp_upload_bits('test.html', null, $template);

and then call wp_mail to send the html attached:

wp_mail($to, $subject, 'your message', array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8;'), array($html_file['file']) );

Don't forget to check the $html_file object, $html_file['error'] must be false.

Finally you can delete the file from the server:

unlink( $html_file['file'])

Hope this helps!

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